Bitsgap Introduces New and Powerful Bot Trading Interface


Bitsgap is one of the leading companies in the market offering investors automated trading solutions. The company has always been very active in developing and re-creating its trading bots to make crypto trading easier for investors.

Recently, the software company introduced a new and more powerful bot trading interface, aimed at providing traders with information in a more efficient and easier way. The team behind the company created the new bot performance interface according to the feedback received from their clients, as well as according to their personal experience.

The new interface features numerous updates, giving traders the power of full transparency. With these new developments, Bitsgap aims at providing traders with the most effective bot management in the market. Thanks to the changes, traders are able to access the bot performance in several different ways.

First of all, you can access the performance of the bot by switching between base, quote, and system currency equivalents. You can also track BTC and ETH percent changes while using the bot for trading, and you can also compare the projected buy-and-hold changes of your initial investment.

In addition to all of these, traders are now also offered the opportunity to monitor the main figure, the Change, in any of the systems that they choose. This includes USD, EUR, CNY, and BTC.

This new interface is especially helpful for those who are wondering when they should stop using one trading bot and keep another running. Thanks to this, traders will now be able to make decisions in a more efficient way, without spending a lot of time figuring out what to do.

Additional Sections

The new interface offers traders access to different types of information about their balance, trading, and orders. The new update includes information about the current funds that the bot is using. The current funds include three separate information, Balances, Value, and Total P&L. Value is the equivalent of the funds which are assigned to a bot, and the Total P&L is the final result of the bot’s trading. This Total P&L value is calculated at real-time rates.

In addition to the current funds, you can also view your initial funds. This section consists of information about the cryptos that are required for open orders at the beginning. The Value in this section is for the equivalent of the initial funds in your selected currency and this is calculated according to the exchange rates at the time your bot started trading. There also is Value Change in this section, which gives you information about the difference between the initial value and the current value of the same base and quote currency amount.

The update also gives you information about the percent changes of BTC and ETH compared to the US dollar since the start of trading with your bot. This is a great thing because it can help traders understand whether using this bot is actually working well or not. In addition to this, you will also get a special section where you can learn more about the bot’s profits.

This information is used to help traders separate the bot’s trading profit from crypto price changes in the final result. The final section of the new update includes Info, which contains additional data including trading time and amount of transactions.

Bots Lists and Changes Associated With It

Bots Lists has also received several changes to make it more user-friendly as well as more powerful. The Value column of it has been changed to a new, system currency. Now, traders are offered the opportunity to sort the bots according to the number of funds allocated, which can help traders decide which bots to keep and which bots to switch.

As for the Change, the column is now calculated using the system currency instead of the quote currency. As a result of these changes, the data provided in these columns not only reflects the performance of the bot but also uses the account exchange rate changes, which can be quite helpful for crypto traders.

Easier & More Accessible

Thanks to the recent changes and the new and upgraded bot interface, Bitsgap offers traders a lot easier and more accessible services. The company has long been working hard to make its services easier for traders to access.

However, for a long time, traders have had numerous questions. Now, Bitsgap was able to create an interface designed so that individual crypto traders can have access to the information that they need in a timely and more efficient manner.

The new updates are created to help traders better understand when to continue using one bot and when to switch to another one, which is a very important thing for automated crypto trading. Thanks to the detailed information provided in the new interface update, you can easily tell when to switch between trading bots.

Bitsgap’s trading bot is one of the most popular automated trading robots in the market used by numerous traders around the world. The latest update makes the trading robot of Bitsgap more user-oriented and easy to use.

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